Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gold Times....

Wow, my weekend went by wayyyy too fast!  It was great though!  It's really the first weekend in over two months that Drew & I have not had to go out of town or have events scheduled for like every day, so it was really nice just to stay home, get things done around the house (like cleaning, haha) and relax.  I did make it out to the bead store, though, after I went shopping for my sister's birthday present.  I bought some great jewelry making materials for new necklaces!  

Yesterday, after getting home from bead shopping I was a little overwhelmed trying to decide on a necklace to make with my assortment of new supplies, so I do admit I kind of went the easy route and made one that was fairly simple.  You remember the Oscar de la Renta necklace from Friday's post?  Well, I loved it so much I wanted to make my own version, and it proved the easiest of the bunch to make while watching season 6 of The Office with Drew!  We have been waiting forever to buy this season so we are super excited!  I was also baking a couple of loaves of homemade bread at the time, so I wanted something easy to handle (lol).

The Original (So much money I don't want to remember how much)
My version does not look exactly the same, but cost only about $5 to make.

plus I made mine clasp on the side because I thought it was cooler that way.

Also, after buying my sister her birthday present yesterday to give to her at her birthday dinner tonight I realized that I had no wrapping paper to wrap her gift in except for Christmas or Wedding....I didn't want to use either for her gift.  In a bind, as I was already so last minute, I wrapped it today using pages I tore out of old issues of my magazines.  I loved it so much that I think I am going to start doing this more often now!  I mean, I'm never going to read all those back issues again, what else am I going to do with them?  It seemed a nice way to recycle, plus it makes a cute gift for someone who is a fashion lover, and my sister definitely is!  

My other sister and I pooled in to get her an amazing Betsy Johnson bag at TJ Maxx, and it is super cute and she loved it!  She also loved the wrapping, so we were all really happy!  It was a fun day!  The picture is terrible, because I took it at the store when we were trying to decide and sending pictures to my mom to get her opinion, but the bag is hugggeeeee and really adorable.

1 comment:

  1. You are so resourceful! Love the gold chain necklace!

    Stacey Kay
    "Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration"
