Sunday, September 19, 2010

Green Fabric Flowers!

Today's necklace inspiration did not come from any particular necklace specifically, but I have had it in my head to create this necklace for a long time, due to my love of fabric included in jewelry.  I started with strips of green fabric, and braided them together, and I wrapped that braid in chains, because if there is anything that I love more than fabric in jewelry it is chains!  I also love the frayed, unhemmed edges of the fabrics that I used for the braid,  and I left them showing on purpose so the necklace has more of a natural look.  Then I used more green fabric to create 2 flowers, and sewed beads and a button into the centers of the flowers and sewed them onto the braided bit, and I was  almost done, except for the addition of a medallion and some beads to give the impression of another flower and leaves, and that was it!   I finished this necklace yesterday while waiting to go to Oktoberfest Zinzinnati, which by the way was amazing!  And today's Bengal's game was a great time too! All in all, I would say that we had quite an awesome weekend!  Tonight I plan on relaxing, creating another necklace, and preparing for work in the morning......


  1. thats adorable! have you thought of selling them????


    Stacey Kay
    "Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration"
