Friday, January 14, 2011

Fashionably Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Friday Readers!  As part of my new resolution I want to start doing features that repeat every week so that this blog will stay interesting for you as my readers, and also so that I have something to talk about that will force me to keep up with timely updating!!  As you know I have been bad about that before!!!  But I promise never again, especially thanks to these new weekly rotating "feature" posts.    Today's Fashionably Friday deals with upcoming Spring 2011 trends in the jewelry world.  As I sit here by my 'fire' (A.K.A. electric fireplace) watching snow out the window it is hard for me to imagine that warmer weather will soon be here, but it will.  And in this upcoming fashion season, break out your big intense jewelry because statement pieces are going to be back with a vengeance.  Colorful pieces, as well as ones that combine geometric patterns and or shapes are going to be major players, as well as pieces that are metallic.  In my opinion, the edgier or more unique the pieces, the better.  Bring on the bright  bold colors and unique shapes!  But if you are a reader of my blog and have seen the jewelry I have made, you probably already know that I love crazy colors and big bold pieces. :) 

Here are some bright, bold, and edgy jewelry pieces from the spring 2011 runways, personally, I'm loving Dior's line:

Emporio Armani

Christian Dior




Photos courtesy of Google Images

1 comment:

  1. Love the Malandrino!

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”

    Runway Inspiration: Dolce & Gabbana
