Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thrifting Tuesday

On this hopefully re-occurring feature I would like to debut items that I have re-vamped or recreated entirely from thrift store finds.  I really became obsessed with the way New Dress a Day took an otherwise old, ripped, torn, or just plain ugly frock and re-created it into something that any fashionista would die to have in her closet.  I have done a lot of this re-creating myself in the past, with posts like my Thanksgiving Party Dress and my Leopard Print Top among others, but I wanted to make this something that re-occured every week.  I love doing it, and it definitely gives me something new and exciting to wear, which I can never seem to get enough of.  And the best part about it, besides the fact that one of these re-created outfits almost costs me nothing, is the fact that I made it myself and it is completely unique to me and my style.  No one else in the world has anything quite like it, which makes it really special, and really fun to wear!  And it is kind of fun getting to design something specifically for me, too, that I know will fit just right on me the way I want it to and look just like I imagine it looking....(well, sometimes....haha)  Anyway, the outfit that I have re-designed this week was a skirt that I purchased at the Salvation Army down the street from my house.  It was an old fashioned, vintage silk skirt, and cost about $3.  The skirt was originally very longgggg, but I thought it looked festive, and deserved to be holiday party attire.  It is high waisted, and I love the look of high waisted skirts with tops tucked in.  So I shortened the original length by tucking the skirt up inside of itself to form a poofy skirt look that was short and ready for a party!  I then wore it with a black sequin tank and black tights, with black high heeled boots to complete the look.    This outfit did "Double Duty" for me, allowing me to attend Drew's Mom's side of the family's Christmas dinner, but then afterward come straight home and host a Christmas/Birthday bash at our house for all of our friends.  The sequin top added just the right amount of sparkle!

Also, I wanted to share the bread loaves I baked today!


  1. Great outfit! What a good idea with the skirt -- I always just chop mine off.

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”

    Check out my feature with GoodwillNYNJ!
